Rittenhouse Square Wedding Photography
Iryna Shostak Photography

Rittenhouse Square Wedding Photography

Rittenhouse Square in Philadelphia is the most popular park in the heart of the City of Love. According to Google, it is an iconic green space with walkways, flowerbeds & a reflecting pool hosting frequent events & markets. People enjoy their time with babies, walk their dogs, take naps, read books, have a snack with their friends. The main challenge to take wedding pictures at Rittenhouse Square is to avoid the people around. But Iryna Shostak Photography can create stunning wedding portraits at any location. This couple chose Rittenhouse Square because they both spent there their first date and they have a special bench, they call it" our bench". The bride and groom decided to do the first look near their special bench and then got their wedding portraits done in one of the alley. All the portraits were made with the prime lens 85 mm in order to avoid all the distractions from the background and create pleasing bokeh framing the couple.

Location: 210 W Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA 19103.

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